Clear the Clutter & Cash In

Don’t drive all over town!
Sell EVERYTHING in ONE weekend!

Turn Your Clutter into Cash!

YouTAG – Prep, tag & drop your items | Earn 60% commission. Click How to Consign

WeeTAG – No time? Let us do it! | Earn up to 40%. Scroll for options.

$15 Consignor Fee for all sellers & 10 item minimum


Save Yourself Time & Money

One Stop Selling. No driving all over for missed meet ups. Set your hassle free prices, earn more than consignment stores offer too. Just drop & go, then come back to shop & save.

Average Check is $425


Free Private Seller PreSales

Be amongst the FIRST to shop for the biggest selection

  • Preshop Tues Feb TBA
  • Preshop 1/2 Price Sat Feb TBA
  • Bring a Buddy to Shop Tuesday – One $15 Guest Pass (spouse/children free)

Have the GOODS? Don't Have the TIME?

2 WeeTAG Options for YOU


Too busy to tag your own items? Reserve your WeeTAG spot & let our tagging experts  price, prep, tag and deliver your items to the sale. We include all supplies except pant hangers (4 for $1). You receive all the same seller benefits including preshopping. Our limited spots fill on a first come, first serve basis. Choose the commission you'd like to earn & we'll do the tagging! (Tag your own items & earn 60%)

Ready to Sell?